Heat damage.

Heat is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to growing and maintaining healthy hair. what do I mean? you cannot be blowing your hair everyday and using a toner/straightner and you want your hair to grow it's crazy. so what does heat do then if not used in it proper ways; it causes heat damage, meaning your hair loses its natural curl pattern and you won't have that bomb twist out you want, ever noticed those straight stringy hair well that is heat damage. the worst part is that you cannot reverse this process,strange huh! so next time you want to have that straight hair what do you do; firstly do a protein treatment this will make sure your hair is strong and ready for the heat, secondly buy yourself some heat protectant baby this thing works. if at all you notice any heat damage just trim them off it's hair it will grow back. now Ofcos heat can be used to our advantage especially when deep conditioning now that's a topic for later. also minimize heat usage to 2 or 3 times a year, I personally do it twice a year to help when trimming off split ends and also to do length checks.


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